1 Definition
1.1 Definition
Whiteschist is an uncommon rock type belonging to a class of metamorphic rock, this is formed at high-ultra-high pressures
Trachyandesite is an extrusive igneous rock.
1.2 History
1.2.1 Origin
1.2.2 Discoverer
1.3 Etymology
From French schiste, Greek skhistos i.e. split
From French trachyandésite, trachy + andésite andesite, a lava intermediate in composition between trachyte and andesite
1.4 Class
Metamorphic Rocks
Igneous Rocks
1.4.1 Sub-Class
Durable Rock, Soft Rock
Durable Rock, Medium Hardness Rock
1.5 Family
1.5.1 Group
1.6 Other Categories
Fine Grained Rock, Medium Grained Rock, Opaque Rock
Fine Grained Rock, Opaque Rock