



Pumice and Soapstone Uses

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1 Uses
1.1 Architecture
1.1.1 Interior Uses
Decorative Aggregates, Flooring, Homes, Interior Decoration
Bathrooms, Decorative Aggregates, Homes, Interior Decoration
1.1.2 Exterior Uses
As Building Stone, As Facing Stone, Garden Decoration, Paving Stone
As Facing Stone, Garden Decoration
1.1.3 Other Architectural Uses
Curbing, Powder
1.2 Industry
1.2.1 Construction Industry
As Dimension Stone, Cement Manufacture, for Road Aggregate, In landscaping and horticulture, Making natural cement, Production of lightweight concrete blocks
Manufacture of Magnesium and Dolomite Refractories
1.2.2 Medical Industry
As an abrasive in skin exfoliating products, In Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Medicines and Cosmetics
Taken as a Supplement for Calcium or Magnesium
1.3 Antiquity Uses
Artifacts, Jewellery, Monuments, Sculpture
1.4 Other Uses
1.4.1 Commercial Uses
As a traction material on snow-covered roads, As an abrasive in pencil erasers, Fine abrasive used for polishing, Manufacture of Soap, Solvents, Dyes, Plastics and Fibres, Used in aquariums
Cemetery Markers, Creating Artwork, Gemstone, Jewelry, Manufacture of Soap, Solvents, Dyes, Plastics and Fibres, Production of Lime, Source of Magnesia (MgO)

Uses of Pumice and Soapstone

There are many uses of Pumice and Soapstone based on their unique properties. All rocks due to their properties, texture, color etc. have variety of uses. Know all about Pumice and Soapstone and their uses in industries and architecture in the upcoming sections.

  • Commercial uses of Pumice: as a traction material on snow-covered roads, as an abrasive in pencil erasers, fine abrasive used for polishing, manufacture of soap, solvents, dyes, plastics and fibres, used in aquariums.
  • Commercial uses of Soapstone: cemetery markers, creating artwork, gemstone, jewelry, manufacture of soap, solvents, dyes, plastics and fibres, production of lime, source of magnesia (mgo).