


Hornblendite Uses

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1 Uses

1.1 Architecture

1.1.1 Interior Uses

Countertops, Decorative Aggregates, Entryways, Flooring, Homes, Hotels, Interior Decoration, Kitchens

1.1.2 Exterior Uses

As Building Stone, As Facing Stone, Paving Stone, Garden Decoration, Office Buildings

1.1.3 Other Architectural Uses


1.2 Industry

1.2.1 Construction Industry

As Dimension Stone, Building houses or walls, Cobblestones, Construction Aggregate, for Road Aggregate, Landscaping, Production of Glass and Ceramics, Roadstone

1.2.2 Medical Industry

Not Yet Used

1.3 Antiquity Uses

Artifacts, Sculpture, Small Figurines

1.4 Other Uses

1.4.1 Commercial Uses

Cemetery Markers, Commemorative Tablets, Creating Artwork

Uses of Hornblendite

Every rock is formed under different chemical, physical and biological conditions which results in formation of a wide and distinct group of minerals and hence they find applications in various fields. Rocks are hard, soft, permeable and impermeable. They are of various sizes and shapes, depending on the type of rock. Know more about Hornblendite Types and Facts. We all use products consisting of rocks in our day to day life. Rocks are used in almost everything starting from food, medicines, jewelry to pencil, makeup, roads, tools, floors, monuments, statues etc. Many types of rocks are the building blocks of structures from ancient times and are still being used for the same. Similarly, there is wide range of uses of Hornblendite. Check out Hornblendite uses in architecture, construction and medical Industry.

Hornblendite uses in Construction and Medical Industry

Lets discuss about Hornblendite uses in construction and medical industry. Rocks are used for various purposes starting from construction of roads, bridges, buildings to pot in kitchen, as a gem stone or just for decorating your garden. However, some rocks have rare properties. Hornblendite uses in construction industry include As dimension stone, Building houses or walls, Cobblestones, Construction aggregate, For road aggregate, Landscaping, Production of glass and ceramics, Roadstone. Hornblendite rock is not yet used in the medical industry. Some types of rocks have exceptional properties and can be used in medical industry.